Voter Guide

Support Law Enforcement this 2024: VOTE

Voting is one of America’s fundamental rights and a pillar of responsibility in our republic. It is also a unique opportunity to shape our society according to our priorities: it lends our voices to those who deserve it the most and lets our representatives know which public policies make sense.

Over the past four years, many politicians have intensified their campaign against law enforcement. At the same time, a decade of budget cuts, defunding, and “restructuring” have proven disastrous for many cities. Much of the country experienced historically high crime rates, while rural and suburban police departments saw their staffing numbers crumble.

The decisions behind these stats can all be reversed – even banished – at the polls. This November, we can take a stand to shield society’s first protectors. We must keep the needs of law enforcement in mind when we cast our votes!

Increased Police Funding Means Increased Safety

NPSF - PoliceOne of the most impactful factors in determining police operations is funds. Police departments nationwide rely on money today to recruit, train, and equip the officers who will keep everyone safe tomorrow.

This is why it’s critical to support ballot initiatives that support police and elect candidates with a proven track record of protecting and boosting police funding. In turn, this will affect:

  • Day-to-day operations: Proper funding ensures departments have the resources needed for patrols, investigations, and community outreach programs. These increase the visibility of law enforcement in the area and help foster more positive relations between residents and police. Combined, they create an environment where criminals can think twice before victimizing families.
  • Recruitment and retention: Competitive salaries and benefits help attract and retain qualified officers – rather than losing them to “safer” positions in the private sector. If we don’t make the police force an attractive career option, we will continue to struggle to provide sufficient patrols for crime prevention, investigate crimes, or respond to emergencies quickly.
  • Officer safety: Funding for up-to-date equipment and training can enhance officer safety. This includes providing officers with modern protective gear, advanced communication systems, and training to navigate dangerous situations more safely. In today’s lawsuit-happy society, we must also ensure that Departments, Unions, and Fraternal Orders can access talented lawyers who help them when the media or opportunistic politicians frame officers as villains.

At the same time, it’s important to keep a critical eye out for any proposals that may take away from the police force. Often, hidden in pleasant words like “accountability” or “reform,” many candidates seek to push ideologies that can only prevent police departments from providing essential services.

Addressing Crime Rates

Addressing Crime Rates - NPSFCrime rates saw a sharp increase around 2020 – a trend that we’ve only started to reverse recently. And despite many other trending topics occupying the headlines, polls show that crime remains a primary concern for voters nationwide.

To keep our communities safe, we must follow evidence-based anti-crime strategies and support the candidates eager to implement them.

The latest criminology research shows one thing: increased police presence, strategically deployed, is the most effective way to “flatten” a crime spike. They don’t just enhance the police’s ability to detect crime as it is about to happen but can also act as a deterrent for active criminals and at-risk youths.

Making Your Vote Matter

NPSF Voter Guide 2024 VectorBurglars, abductors, and lawless behavior threaten everybody. Law enforcement officers put their lives on the line – but if supported, they will gladly do this to produce a safer society.

Your educated and well-informed vote can give them the tools they lack. Between now and November 5th, you should:

  1. Research candidates’ positions on law enforcement issues at all local, state, and federal levels.
  2. Attend town halls or community meetings to ask candidates about their stance on public safety and support for law enforcement.
  3.  Look beyond campaign slogans to understand the nuanced positions candidates hold on complex issues of public safety and police reform.

Remember, voting is just one part of civic engagement. Stay involved in your community and continue to advocate for policies you believe will enhance public safety and support effective law enforcement.

Officers support YOU daily;
Support THEM at the polls on November 5th!

Ready to get started? Find out how, where, and when to vote. Find voter registration options in your state. Then, learn more about what will be at stake during the upcoming elections. Visit your state’s election office website for state-wide voting guidance.