From ‘Kamala the Cop’ to Police Defunder

Kamala Harris, a historic figure as the first Black woman vice-presidential nominee for a major party, speaks at a podium.

It’s been less than a month since the surprise announcement that has redefined the 2024 Presidential Election: Joe Biden is out, and his VP Kamala Harris will now be the Democrat’s front-runner. Far from “business as usual,” this change opens the gate for major changes in style and policy, with little time for voters to fully assess them.

What would a prospective “President Harris” bring to safety and security? What can we expect from her statements and track record?

Kamala Harris’ Political Trajectory: An Ode to Opportunism

Before we can determine the suitability of any candidate, we need to carefully evaluate their positions and trajectory. But when it comes to Kamala, the outlook is not good: despite her background in law enforcement, she appears all too willing to transform herself into whatever the “progressive” establishment needs her to be.

Who was ‘Kamala the Cop’?

Kamala Harris’ first foray into mainstream politics dates back to 2003 when she was elected District Attorney of San Francisco – a powerful position in one of the State’s most important cities. In 2010, she was propelled into the Attorney General’s seat for the State of California.

It was during this campaign that she built the persona of ‘Kamala the Cop.’ To win the State’s election, she cultivated a no-nonsense persona that promised to keep her State peaceful and safe.

Between 2010 and 2014, Harris defended California’s Correctional system from the Supreme Court, took important steps to keep children in school (and away from crime), and led the charge against cross-border gangs. In her 2009 book. “Smart on Crime,” she made a powerful case for helping recruit and deploy more police officers.

From State AG to the National Arena

From ‘Kamala the Cop’ to Police Defunder

As her second term as Attorney General neared its end, she set her eyes on the next step of the Power Ladder – the U.S. Senate.

But by 2016, the “Black Lives Matter” movement had gained significant traction, and most progressive politicians publicly began to point accusing fingers at police officers. Suddenly, ‘Kamala the Cop’ was no longer an electable image – and as soon as she noticed, Harris joined the anti-police ranks.

Her last years in office saw her support bills for mandatory body cams while opening countless investigations on the use of excessive force. Spoiler alert: the accused cops were all eventually found innocent.

Switching Gears and Deleting Old Positions

Her time in the U.S. Senate consolidated her sharp turn. Suddenly, she was openly endorsing the “Defund the Police” Movement. In the wake of the pandemic, she repeatedly appeared alongside many “Hollywood activists” decrying the “inherent racism” of the institution she used to lead.

Then, she was handed the post of Joe Biden’s vice president. Biden promised to select a woman of color to be his Vice President, and he did.

Where does Kamala Claim to Stand Now?

After being elected as VP, Kamala took her new position one step further. She has repeatedly endorsed moves to switch funding away from police departments and into more marketable “social services.” During the latest round of attempts at immigration reform, she pushed for moves that would defang ICE and opposed a State’s ability to respond to illegal border crossers.

Meanwhile, her PR team sought to scrub her old appearances in police uniform away from the Internet – as if she were ashamed of this!

Her surprise nomination as a presidential hopeful forced her to backtrack her position again. Crime rates have risen around the country, and an ever-growing number of citizens cite safety as a major consideration when deciding their vote.

For Harris, the strategy to win appears simple: let’s simply forget about defunding altogether. In early August, she called for a “tough stance” on immigration during a rally. Her website now proudly displays her track record as a prosecutor again.

What Would a “President Harris” Mean for Police Officers?

Based on her trajectory so far: big words, with an uncertain direction. Her constant “changes of opinion” on the subject of policing paint her as indecisive at best, or opportunistic at worst. And while she may be courting police officers again, it’s hard to trust her sincerity if the political winds shift again.But words are one thing, and actions quite another. Unfortunately, Harris’ impact as a “Top Cop” is not as positive as she would have us believe. Following her tenure, San Francisco’s crime rates skyrocketed – and she has yet to acknowledge any responsibility in this crisis. Meanwhile, the family of a police officer killed under her watch do remember her actions vividly, and have vowed to oppose her.

Image Credit: Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

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