National Police Week Poll Shows Publics’ Take on Biggest Issues Facing Law Enforcement

Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, Virginia – During National Police Week in Washington D.C. in May 2018, we had those in attendance complete a short survey to get an understanding of what they think the biggest issue is facing law enforcement.

Out of ninety answers, 24.4% answered fixing America’s police shortage is the biggest issue facing law enforcement. Twenty-two point two percent said electing strong judges and criminal justice officials is the second biggest issue. Funding for officer safety was the third issue with 17.8%, police use of crime stopping and deterrent technologies was fourth with 5.6%, and combating the American drug epidemic was fifth with 4.4%.

Other answers for this question were civilian treatment of police, supervision, public relations, nonsupport of government officials, funding, relationship with community, politics/policing do not mix, bosses not leaders’ lack of leadership, lack of support/media, nonsupport from public media, lack of accountability of citizens, public perception/media, morale/media, media, mental health, biased media, former president dividing country, public, and all of the above. These all tied for sixth place with 1.1%.

Those who were polled were from 87 different zip codes throughout the country.

National Police Support Fund is dedicated to promoting the interests of law enforcement officers within the national political process. National Police Support Fund is a national political organization organized under Section 527 of the IRS Tax Code. To contribute, visit

Contact National Police Support Fund:

Simon Lewis
Executive Director
(571) 364-6520
[email protected]