
Current Issues Facing Law Enforcement - National Police Support Fund

Asking police officers and those that support police to choose the biggest issues facing law enforcement is no easy task. The National Police Support Fund

National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington DC - National Police Support Fund

“Carved on these walls is the story of America, of a continuing quest to preserve both democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure

Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, Virginia – The National Police Support Fund staff attended National Police Week in Washington D.C. The staff conversed with men and women who participated

combating the american drug epidemic - national police support fund

Combating the American Drug Epidemic The American drug epidemic affects us all to varying degrees and has become one of the most important issues in

Gathering at Police Unity Tour 2018

The 21st annual Police Unity Tour Arrival Ceremony took place on May 12th, 2018 at the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial. What started as an

Funding for Police Safety Equipment - National Police Support Fund

Every morning, afternoon and evening, police officers leave their homes not knowing whether they will return home to their families. Day-in and day-out, they walk

Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, Virginia – The National Police Support Fund staff will be attending National Police Week in Washington D.C. The staff will be there to interact

Support police - Elect Strong Law-and-Order Judges - NPSF

Electing Strong Law-and-Order Judges Issue Spotlight: Accused murderer in Milwaukee released on signature bond, flees On October 24, 2017, U.S. Marshals working in conjunction with Milwaukee

Police Losing Respect - Restoring Prestige

Restoring Police Prestige and Reputation America’s police officers are some of the finest men and women in the country. Those of us who respect and

anti-police candidate Ashley Sparkle

Meet Sparkle Ashley, candidate for county supervisor in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, and quite possibly the most anti-police candidate ever to run for public office. From a disorderly