
NPSF - Op Ed Simon Lewis

It’s an interesting phenomenon to watch elected officials and citizens get ‘up in arms’ and debate about a topic that they themselves don’t seem to

Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, VA – National Police Support Fund launched an initiative today that will help educate and engage the public on the hot topic of qualified immunity for

June 2020 News Roundup - National Police Support Fund

What a month. Police officers have faced a global pandemic, protests, riots, looting, and verbal and physical attacks, all while trying to continue to protect

NPSF - Op Ed Simon Lewis

Every time you turn on the news, there is a report of someone arrested for vehicular manslaughter, domestic abuse, or worse- murder. At times, what

New Jersey Burnout Bill - National Police Support Fund

A proposal making its way through New Jersey’s legislature would allow police officers and firefighters to retire after 20 years of service, citing the extreme

Bail Reform - National Police Support Fund

Before COVID-19 hit, cities across the country were considering changes to bail bond programs that, in some cases, would make it easier for people convicted

News Roundup - National Police Support Fund

Our men and women in blue dealt with an onslaught of hardship and disrespect this month. One of the most egregious was local and state

NPSF - Op Ed Simon Lewis

States across the country are finding a convenient excuse in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to push liberal agendas and release prisoners from jails and detention centers

Taking Care of First Responders During COVID-19

As cities and states across the country begin to reopen, the work of police officers and first responders will become even more important to ensure

Restore Respect Petition - National Police Support Fund

For years, America’s law enforcement officers have been disrespected and, the problem is only getting worse. Every day, cops are being demeaned and attacked, and