
Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, Virginia – The National Police Support Fund recognizes Randy Robertson on his election to the Georgia Senate. He defeated his opponent, Democrat Valerie Haskins,

randy robertson georgia election

National Police Support Fund congratulates law enforcement veteran Randy Robertson on his election to the Georgia State Senate. Roberston defeated his opponent, Democrat Valerie Haskins,

media mentions - national police support fund legit

National Police Support Fund’s work has been recognized by media outlets across the country. We continue to research and act on issues affecting police officers.

Fraternal Order of Police fall conference - National Police Support Fund

National Police Support Fund was invited to attend the Fraternal Order of Police fall conference in Independence, Ohio on Oct. 25 & 26. One hundred-twenty

National Police Support Fund - Executive Directors Report

As we near our two-year anniversary of our grassroots and political operations, National Police Support Fund is hitting its stride. We’ve continued to fight and

Randy Robertson - Georgia State Senate

Randy Robertson is a 30-and-a-half-year law enforcement veteran. Prior to his retirement from Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office in 2015, Robertson was a leader in the

police ferrari - iacp 2018

Last week, National Police Support Fund joined thousands of chiefs of police, supporters, and industry insiders at the 125th International Association of Chiefs of Police

Rahm - 2018 consent decree Chicago

There is perhaps no other police department in the United States that has been surrounded with more controversy and debate than the Chicago police department.

national troopers coalition - National Police Support Fund

National Police Support Fund had the privilege of attending the 2018 Fall Conference for the National Trooper Coalition (NTC). This year the Fall Conference was

Press Release - National Police Support Fund

ARLINGTON, Virginia – The National Police Support Fund has recognized shooting and murder statistics for Chicago, in both blog and video form, as there has